Copyright © Richard Perry 2018. Copyright commencement date is 14th February 2018.

Corruption, Crimes Against Humanity &

Human Rights Abuses -

Persecution and A total Failure of Government.

UK Government  Corruption

UK Government Corruption.

The United Kingdom is Bankrupt. This is a nation of cheats, liars, cowards and crime that has governed itself into the

ground and has wrecked generations of people’s lives by an atrocious and appalling attitude towards success,

innovation, human capital and the general welfare of its citizens. The UK is in a complete mess and it will take them

decades to get out of it, IF they get out of it at all. What will you do with your life in the meantime?

Everyday, the Authorities ignore small acts of fraud and crime that people commit against others because the people in

Authority treat these incidences as trivial and meaningless and, if one has to suffer the affects of small acts of crime, it

saves their budget and resources. The only path that this hideous outlook can take is a downward spiral to cruelty and

Human Rights abuse, which is exactly what is happening. Failure to punish small crimes leads to a change in the

values of society where, because there isn’t any punishment, small crimes become ‘the norm’ and so more and more of

it is committed.

This leads to situations like the one I am in where a corrupt UK Government deliberately allows large London law firms

acting on behalf of large corporations to bring fraudulent claims to Court. Claims that are based on false witness

testimony and perjury to conceal serious crime, and then actually pretending to believe and accepting a fully plegded

claim and defence of: ‘if anyone finds out about this we would lose business’ and ‘we didn’t know and it wasn’t us’ (in

relation to the counterfeiting, fraud and intellectual property theft - plots that couldn’t have succeeded if ‘we didn’t know

and it wasn’t us’ was true). I have indisputable evidence provided by the firms themselves that confirms that the owners

and directors of the defendant firms involved all trade with one another and all belong to the same religious cult that is

directed by the individuals running the corporations, and so it is incomprehensible that ‘they didn’t know’. These

statements have only been accepted by a corrupt Judiciary because the United Kingdom refuses to recognise the value

of, or enforce, intellectual property rights, which curtails trade, stifles investment and undermines the entire Rule of

Law. It abuses everyone investing and making the economy work.

It is in fact far worse than that. In my situation I have made extensive complaints and reports with almost every law

enforcement agency in the United Kingdom who have all collaborated with one another, heavily protected one another

and have actually gone to lengths of suing all of my businesses and bringing malicious and abusive claims against me

for everything they can think of to try to prevent me from enforcing my intellectual property rights. Each Authority

refuses to make any enquiry, investigation, or take any responsilbity whatsoever. They are all well aware of the serious

crime being carried out and refuse to do anything about it. That is how ugly the Country is.

The Authorities involved in this corruption are:


Action Fraud, Wiltshire Police and the City of London Police Force claimed they had found several viable lines of

enquiry for a police investigation 2015, passed it back to Wiltshire Police who then refused any investigation and

deliberately destroyed body camera footage of meetings wherein the conversations recorded proved that there is

in fact serious crime which they refuse to investigate even after being handed written confessions in 2019. In

2018 I received another ‘Confirmation of Fraud’ letter and then the Police refuse all correspondence, do not

update me into the active investigation and breach the Victim’s Charter and the United Nations Convention

Against Torture. An absolute shocking amount of corruption and improper conduct of Police Officers. Hundreds

of pages of correspondence of nonsense excuses, telling me “we don’t know what intellectual property crime is”,

deliberate merging of Police reports ‘years’ apart then using excuses not to investigate crimes that couldn’t have

happened on the later reports at the time they were addressing the earlier reports, claiming that over 20 criminal

offences are ‘all the same offence as patent infringement’. Action Fraud Deputy Director Ian Younger claims he

doesn’t know what crime is and that patent infringement was dealt with in the civil courts and therefore refuses to

investigate. Gives nonsense excuses and sends me a ‘cease and desist’ letter to try to stop me pursuing justice

because they refuse to investigate any intellectual property related crime regardless of what it is.


The Commissioner of Police (London), Refused all correspondence and passed everything to Action Fraud.


Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime, Refused all correspondence.


National Crime Agency, Staff deliberately intercepted my letters to the Chairman and claimed the National Anti-

Corruption Unit doesn’t investigate or take reports of corruption. Officer known as ‘KS’

told me to report the incidents to Crime Watch UK when he knew that Crime Watch do

not take reports from Victims. He then refused all communication when I demanded

answers to my allegations of Wiltshire Police corruption.


Independent Police Complaints Commission, This is a pointless, powerless organisation - they do not have any

power whatsoever over the Police and all they can do is fob you off

onto committees and more committees of useless little idiots. They

claimed they couldn’t order the Police to do anything. Be Warned.

Hundreds of pages and a dozen letters proves it. See Police

Correspondences Page.


Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner, All these assholes did was aid and abet the corruption in Wiltshire

Police and did everything they could to cover the tracks of the

Officers involved. Nonsense rubbish and claims that I was ‘abusing

the complaints process’ because I had made one complaint - yes one! and then committed a conspiracy to comit

misconduct in public office. Proof in the correspondence under Police Correspondences Page.


The Metropolitan Police, I don’t know what the hell this Force are doing. They send letters of open and active

investigations, claim they are sending special investigation officers and then never

heard a word from them since 2015. I visited the Office in London and was fobbed off all

around London to different departments and not a single person would help.


The Judicial Conduct Invesitgations Office, The people running this Office should be removed from Authority.

They refuse to investigate any incident of Judicial corruption or abuse

of the administration of Justice whatsoever. Helen Marsh (now a

Defendant) claimed that “she didn’t know what misconduct is” and so I sent the complaint again with a dictionary

definition of ‘Misconduct’. She then claimed that my complaints against the Judges invovled were ‘vexatious’ and

refused to look into any complaint at all. She was obviously ‘following orders’ and not a single one of these

gutless wretched little people in the JCIO have any integrity or strength of character to speak out about

corruption. Her bosses hid behind her and she refused to go independently to the Police to report the situation.

Police: emails found under my email >>>contact me and I will provide them.


The Director of the Ministry of Justice, Refused all communication and correspondence. I took an enormous

bundle of evidence upto the Ministry and emailed the Director and also

Elizabeth Truss (Minister). They refused all communication.


The Attorney General’s Office,


The Solicitor’s Regulation Authority, This regulator refuses to investigate any law firm carrying serious crime that

undermines the economy, the Justice system and the entire Rule of Law.

After sending them the court bundles at least four times they made pathetic excuses everytime. I will publish all

the letters shortly. They were later aided and abetted by Judge Richard Hacon during the making of his second

criminal and defamatory restraining order against me claiming (about the Defendants) “they’ve done nothing

wrong” whilst denying me all access to any evidence, failing to see any proof of any alibi and making up

nonsense excuses to prevent any claim being made for conspiracy, fraud, perjury etc.


IP Pro Bono, Refused to state that the second patent GB2401616 had been defrauded by the Group 2

Defendants and refused to state that it hadn’t been. Then claimed : ‘we’ve closed our file’. Details

found under Group 2 Defendant’s pages under The Case>>>Particulars of Claim. I believe they

were in coroboration with Richard Hacon who without doubt didn’t want any outcome in my favor because it

would be another proof of his corrupt judgements.


The National Bar Pro Bono Unit,


Royal Courts of Justice Legal Advice Scheme, Refused to help provide any legal advice or legal aid whatosever

and made up silly excuses that ‘we’re sorry but all staff are on

holiday’ … and ‘ there are quite a few people that are sick and out

of the office’ … and ‘ ‘we are not specialists in these types of cases’…. and ‘we are only allowed to answer one

question’ - basically a crock of fucking shit and had no intention of providing any legal aid whatsosever because

they are complicit in corruption to prevent IP being enforced under any circumstances.


The Official Receiver’s Office, This Office has committed serious crime to prevent me having the bankruptcy

order rescinded and the individuals deliberately perverted the course of justice. See Particulars of Claim.


The Patent Office, Criminally run. See below.


HMRC, A bunch of fucking cheats and liars. Proof of Human Rights Abuse to follow.


Serious Fraud Office: ‘we’re only interested in prosecuting new species of crime and intellectual property isn’t one

of them”

Every single one of these Authorities has deliberately acted to protect either the UK Government or Judiciary and/or the

firms and individuals involved in their multi-million pound fraud against me. The correspondences and proof can be

found in the Evidence page.

Imagine if the ordinary average person on the street committed multiple murders. Murders that tear familes apart and

that destroys the rest of their lives. We get caught red handed carrying out the act and then get arrested at the scene.

We then say to the arresting Officer “I didn’t know murder was a crime” and “actually it wasn’t me” and then the Officer

says “well ok then - in that case there can’t be any crime, so you’re free to go” ! This would be immediate jail time for

the Officer under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 and it would be all over the news - there would be public

outrage and riots in the streets. Yet mortifyingly in my case, and because it is related to intellectual property crime, the

Police have done everything they can to deter me from pursuing justice and have actually deliberately misadvised me,

refused to follow up on any report or make any investigation whatsoever and whilst they know this is being perpetrated.

They have wilfully perverted the course of justice and refuse to provide details of conversations they held with the other

Defendants under the Freedom of Information Act said details that would also prove my allegations. Then they have the

gall to actually send me letters demanding me to stop making complaints and stating that “we can’t see any crime”.

This is a sinister and ugly abuse of power and it is crimes against humanity especially when they are well aware of the

effects that the situation has had upon me. I actually have a letter from the Director of Action Fraud wherein he claims

‘we have reviewed the information and have found SEVERAL viable lines of enquiry for a possible Police investigation’.

This was then passed to Wiltshire Police. Their ‘Head of Complex Fraud’ claimed didn’t know what ‘passing off’ is,

which is serious crime with a punishment of 7 years to life in prison, and then he tried fobbing me off to another charity.

The Chief of Police at Wiltshire claims that over 20 serious criminal offences ( the charges found under The Case page,

top menu bar) are all the same offence as ‘patent infringement’ and that the Police don’t investigate patent

infringement. Yes - I actually have this in writing from him: 20 different serious criminal offences such as money

laundering, perjury, conspiracy, etc are all the same offence as patent infringement. Copy found under the evidence

page. This is serious corruption and organised crime and the United Kingdom deliberately aiding and abetting it. I

reported the Police corruption to the National Crime Agency Anti-Corruption Unit and they replied saying that the Anti

Corruption Unit doesn’t investigate corruption and that I have to report Police Corruption to the same Police department

carrying out the corruption!!

This is what is really going on in the United Kingdom - it is a tragedy and a horror story. I have lived it, suffered the terrible consequences of it, and every word of this is true. This has to be stopped for the sake of everyone. I have indisputable evidence proving my statements, some of which can be found under the ‘Evidence’ page. Because this is extensive, I have written short statements actually on this page, but the full or extended version is found in the attached documents or pages by clicking the links. The documents can be viewed by clicking the links. Directly below are extended pages. Continue further down to see details of each department involved and how they have committed offences.

Judicial Corruption

Click Here.

Also see evidence page for

correspondences and corrupt


Police Corruption

Click Here.

Also see evidence page for

correspondences and corrupt


Morals of the UK

Fencing Retail Industry.

The Judiciary has also played a big part in this situation and several Judges have taken it upon themselves to make

political decisions to further a United Kingdom agenda of refusing to recognize the value of intellectual property rights.

They have deliberately rubbished my intellectual property rights when a ten year old child would be able to identify

parts of a product and compare it to a patent. I have had to endure the affects of their fraudulent and corrupt

judgements such as injunctions, bankruptcy orders, restraining orders, more restraining orders, severe defamation and

outright cruelty. I have had at least seven judges involved in this situation, three of whom refused all access to the

evidence that proves my allegations and then made judgements against me claiming that I don’t have any/enough

evidence!! This is a serious criminal offence called fraud by false representation under the Fraud Act 2006. It is also

Abuse of the Administration of Justice, Aiding Abetting and Subornation, Participation in Serious Crime, Perverting the

Course of Justice, Conspiracy to Commit Misconduct in Public Office and more simply - a total disgrace to the entire

Country, and it is totally immoral. These Judges are also Defendants in the case because I will be bringing criminal

charges against these foolish gutless little cowards who don’t have the strength of character to tackle crime that

compromises the entire enconomy. Proof of this is found under ‘Jucidical Correspondences/Judgements’ under the

Evidence’ page (above menu bar) and UK Judicial Corruption page Click Here. These individuals have been heavily

protected by the Judicial Conduct Office that claims they don’t know what misconduct is. Yes I actually have this in

writing from them as well - The Judicial Conduct & Investigations Office claims they don’t know what misconduct is and

then when I replied providing them with a dictionary definition of Misconduct. they claimed I was making vexatious

complaints and therefore wouldn’t investigate. Therefore deliberately protecting corruption, abuse of our constitution,

and Judges who do not deserve to be anywhere near a Court of Law. There isn’t a single case in the history of the

United Kingdom where an individual inventor has successfully sued a group of worldwide and national firms for

defrauding intellectual property rights - now why is that? Are we all foolish enough to believe that it doesn’t happen in

the UK, or is it the truth that the UK Government encourages worldwide firms to steal IP rights because it benefits from

tax revenues being made unlawfully from the defrauded goods?

The UK Patent Office is being run criminally. That Office is in a complete mess. It needs to be shut down for

several months and all of the staff retrained so that there is 10000% consistency and accuracy, because at the

moment, no two examiners agree on the process and they just seem to be making it up as they go along, which is

wrecking people’s investments and aiding crime. Intellectual property applications are being treated with total

contempt. I have proof of my money being stolen or ‘not returned’ for reasons such as: they can’t be bothered to do the

work that I have paid them to do, or through their own negligence, mal-adminstration and misadvice they have charged

me more fees for their own incompetence. They even asked me on one occasion if they could use my work to train

their staff. I replied stating that yes they could but that if anything got published then I wanted a royalty from it. They

replied stating “we dont pay for the use of intellectual property”. There you have it - the United Kingdom Patent Office’s

attitude towards the value of intellectual property - completely worthless and unenforceable. There is a lot more to this.

An entire catalogue of screw ups, mal adminstration and deliberate theft - an abuse of innnovators and anyone filing

anything at that Office.

Recently in December 2017 one of their staff phoned me to say they had messed up yet another of my applications in

relation to a set of tools I was working on. I was outraged at yet another fuck up that causes severe loss. The Office

tried to charge extra fees for their own mistakes. I said the loss or extra fees should come out of that particular person’s

wages. The man I was speaking to just giggled and treated the loss of a patent application as a complete joke when

these patents are producing millions of pounds in revenues for the Country and what should be for me. A patent that

would create up to five products and generate hundreds of thousands to millions of pounds for the economy and my

business, and, the loser just giggles about it. The Office then fraudulently drafted a letter to make it look like their screw

up was my own fault. This is a total disgrace. Serious crime and fraud by false representation being carried out by

Government departments. Click the button above for full version. It is a horror story. I have had at least half a dozen

patents fucked up by that Office - years of work being ruined. Then the Office deliberately aided and abetted some of

the Defendants in relation to the main case that this website is dedicated to. See ‘A criminally run uk patent office’ page

for details.

The UK Fencing & Construction Retail Industry’s attitude towards intellectual property crime.

This is what you get if you create fabulous market leading products and let the UK retail industry have the PRIVILEGE

of selling them: out of sheer jealousy and envy and because they can’t think of anything for themselves, they refuse to

allow young entrepreneurs the success and profit that they rightfully deserve for their decades of investment,

backbreaking work and enormous financial risk in taking their products to market. Instead, the retail trade knowingly

and willingly handle counterfeit and stolen goods and goods that infringe the creator’s patents and actively participate

in fraud knowing that they are injuring the inventor by trading in counterfeits. Especially after they have even been

notified that they are trading in unlawul goods. Then they claim ‘oh it’s none of my business’, or ‘oh we didn’t know’ or

‘but the counterfeit is cheaper than your patented original so we’re going to continue buying it’ which is both humiliating

and insulting. They do this because they don’t want to lose the large profits and gains they’re making unlawfully by

handling counterfeits.

I’ve had enough of this shit and having to stand by helplessly, watching my lifetime’s work being stolen and eroded

away, and seeing tens of thousands of people benefit from my work and vast investment without receiving or being

paid a single penny. After I have won my big case, I will bring criminal charges against every retailer involved in

handling the counterfeit goods and participating in fraud against me and I don’t care if these ugly people never stock

my products again - I would rather deal with half a dozen decent and ethical businesses than with 800 thieving fucking

shits. Excuse my foul language but this situation is ungodly and barbaric. Actually not ungodly because these people

are not Gods or in any position of Authority - they are just moraless little losers cheating inventors. They know they’re

doing it and, rather than doing the honest and honourable thing of refusing to deal with criminals, organised crime and

unlawful goods such as the ‘Easy Use Panel Clip’ they would rather wait until they get caught or have to answer to

Authority. Instead of going to the Authorities and saying ‘this isn’t right; it’s wrecking the industry, destroying

harmonious trading and stifling innovation. What is the Government going to do about it?’ they cower behind others.

These are pathetic mindless little English people who are suppressed and oppressed and who live in fear - frightened

to speak up about any lawlessness and shy away from standing upto cruelty even though they can see it happening

under their own noses. They would rather stand by and watch me take this on all by myself and yet they will all be

there expecting and demanding their rights to be enforced.

I should point out to the reader that in fact I have had some decent and loyal customers in the UK who have refrained

from being involved in these crimes, but only about a handful out of almost 800 retail outlets that were stocking my

products. I thank those customers and decent businesses for standing up to this absolute lawlessness that damages

the entire industry but they need to do more - they need to contact the Police, contact Interpol, contact the Monarch

and drown these Authorities in complaints and reports until they have no choice but to act to put this right. This

situation effects everyone in the Country, undermines the economy and affects future generations of trade. I have

correspondence from the President’s Office of the European Parliament that infers that what the United Kingdom is

doing is breaking EU Treaties and sincere co-operation with the EU and the spirit of harmonious trading. See the

correspondences in the ‘Evidence’ page.

Other crimes against me carried out by the UK Government & HMRC: Througout this ordeal, I’ve had

other Government departments such as Companies House suing all of my businesses without any lawful reason

whatsoever in order to try to stop my thriving intellectual property business from operating. I’ve had Government agents

following me and my partner around in several Countries, taking photos of us and conducting unlawful surveillance and

treating me like an emeny of the state, because i’m speaking up about serious organised cartel crime. I’ve even taken

photos of these repulsive little people and reported it to several Police departments because it is frightening and un-

nerving. I’m told ‘it’s nothing to do with this Police department’ or ‘we’ll pass it on’. These Authorities refuse to protect

me. I’m left on my own, up against this unbearable mountain of barefaced corruption and cruelty, trying to fend for

myself - one little guy without any money or legal representation, no power or Authority, trying to tackle serious

organised corporate and Government crime. I feel like I have been forced out of my own homeland/home country to try

to make another life elsewhere, and even being in North America, the wretched UK Government haunt me and torment

me in every way they can invoking powers of the state to bring malicious prosecutions for no reason or trivial

meaningless matters arising from their own failures. I will be documenting all of this because I will be suing this out in

the International Criminal Courts. These are crimes against humanity. Transparency International claim on their website

that there is very little corruption in the UK. My question to them is: have you ever even visited the UK or do you feel

obliged to say that so that you think the UK Government will allow your website to stay up? You clearly have no

knowledge of the UK at all, and when you really face corruption you will know how terrifying it is.


What The Monarch Should Be Doing &

A Weak And Pathetic Government.

Click Here.

IP Pro Bono, The Bar Pro Bono

Unit & the RCJ Civil Advice Unit.

Click Here.